WATCH: RIVER GAMBIA EXPEDITION – 1044km source-sea African odyssey

Oct 2, 2013: ‘River Gambia Expedition – 1044km source-sea African odyssey‘ One of our early forays into filmmaking. A short film – edited by Jason Florio / filmed by Jason Florio and Helen Jones-Florio – about our 2012-13 expedition to find the source of the River Gambia in the Fouta Djallon Highlands of Guinea, West Africa. Along withContinue reading “WATCH: RIVER GAMBIA EXPEDITION – 1044km source-sea African odyssey”

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Photo of the Day: Young boy in his canoe on the River Gambia, Senegal. Image by Jason Florio

River Gambia – source-to-sea December 2012 – January 2013 –  My wife, Helen Jones-Florio, and I co-led the first recorded source-to-sea expedition by canoe along the 1130km length of River Gambia, from its humble source in the remote highlands of Guinea, through Senegal and into The Gambia where it widens to nearly 14km and exitsContinue reading “Photo of the Day: Young boy in his canoe on the River Gambia, Senegal. Image by Jason Florio”

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From December 2012 to January 2013, Jason Florio and Helen Jones-Florio co-led the first recorded source-to-sea expedition by canoe along the 1130 km length of River Gambia. The two traced the river from its humble source in the remote highlands of Guinea through Senegal and into The Gambia, where it widens to nearly 14 kmContinue reading “Resonate Magazine – Photo essay: A SOURCE-TO-SEA CANOE JOURNEY ALONG RIVER GAMBIA”

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Expedition Stories: reaching the source of the River Gambia, Fouta Djallon Highlands

Looking back – Sunday 2nd December, 2013 Expedition Stories: Reaching the source of the River Gambia, Fouta Djallon Highlands, Guinea. The Highlands of Guinea-Conakry is one of the most stunningly visual places I have ever traveled in. The only real downside is that the ‘roads’ are utterly shocking. Calling them roads is a stretch. Rocky riverbeds would be aContinue reading “Expedition Stories: reaching the source of the River Gambia, Fouta Djallon Highlands”

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